Frequently Asked Questions


Got a new question? Contact Roger!


If you don’t find an answer to your question below, contact Roger, GOOD PUPPY himself. Roger will retrieve the answer and get right back to you!


1. What is the GOOD PUPPY Child Behavioral System?

The System is a coherent collection of behavioral and emotional tools designed to assist parents, teachers and therapists in the management of child behavior.

2. Who can benefit from the system?

The system is designed for parents, teachers and therapists of children, ages 3 to 9. Empathic imagery and multiple correspondences make the system easy for children to understand from a very young age; and can be of great service to those suffering from color blindness, dyslexia and some dissociative disorders.

3. Why should I use it?

Because the system provides children with the consistent and healthy structure they seek. Because the system is based on causality, cause and effect, children learn to consider consequences before making choices. They learn to think critically and to make good choices.

4. How does it work?

The system is a collection of behavioral and emotional tools. The behavioral system is based on causality, cause and effect; and the emotions tools help children identify and verbalize their emotions. Used together, children learn to manage their emotions and hence, control their behaviors.

5. How should I use it?

The system allows you to pick the tools you deem necessary, or to follow the suggested implementation of the entire system, which can be found in the tool kits. Each child, family situation, classroom, teaching style or therapist is different and the system is designed to customize to each particular situation, according to need. Also, while some children may strive from positive reinforcement alone, with no need for loss of privileges, others may not react until a naughty puppy is staring back at them. It is up to the parent, teacher or therapist to customize the system and be consistent; new tools can be added as needed.


6. Why a Puppy?

Because the system was designed specifically for children, not adults; and most children love puppies and want a puppy. These empathic puppy images communicate with children from a very young age, allowing them to understand the system as a simple game. The whimsical character lightens situations and defers negative feelings from being targeted at parents. Basically, blame it all on Roger!


7. Why does it work?

The system allows parents to continue a loving demeanor towards their children. It isn't the parent, but the child's behavior that caused a yellow puppy which brought a loss of privileges. Bad behavior is often the result of attention seeking, the system acknowledges all behavior, so that bad behavior will not mean more attention.

Put children in charge of their own status and in control of their own behavior, bring confrontations, negotiations and negative attention seeking to a minimum with a simple question: What's Your Puppy?


8. Why do children love it?

The system is designed for children; and children are the first to notice it. The GOOD PUPPY System is a children’s game; which immediately puts children in control.


9. Why reward a child?

The same way an adult appreciates a bonus, a salary raise, a thank you or a pat in the back for a job well done, children want to know they're doing well and that their work is noticed.

Adults are quick to jump on anything that does not fit their grown-up standards. But what about all the efforts a child makes to behave, to do as he was taught? What about all the puddles he didn't jump on? What about all those wild ideas he had, that he didn't act on? Even if he truly believes a giant rainbow would look amazing on the living room wall and he could paint it. He didn't. But, did anyone notice?

Well, Roger believes that this child, like many others, deserves to be noticed. He deserves a Super Puppy and a gigantic piece of paper to paint that rainbow on.