Do not be confused. Teaching by example is not a parenting style nor is it a choice any parent has. Children mimic, which is how they learn. When you find truly irritating habits in your child, remember to first look in the mirror. There is a “reason why” it is affecting you at such a gut level. It is something that, most likely, you don’t want to look at in yourself. There is a simple cure to most of these cases. To keep your child from copying those behaviors, change yourself.

If you find this route difficult, at least you will have gained perspective on what you’re asking your child to change. Maybe it wasn’t a habit at all but pure personality.

In other cases, it may be a spouse’s behavior that is imitated or inherited. The first thing to keep in mind is that the person being mimicked is usually the last one to notice they are being mimicked. These issues can be addressed with patience and sensitivity for the best of the family unit.

GOOD PUPPY Behavioral tools can be used amongst couples to help each other correct unwanted behaviors. As a humorous tool for inner growth, better communication and a happier lifestyle.